1) Basic concepts of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS); data types (VECTOR MODEL: points, lines, polygons – CONTINUOUS DATA MODEL: rasters); data format and extensions; the ArcGIS Desktop (by ESRI) Infrastructure: the use of ArcMap user interface, the integrated applications ArcCatalog, ArcScene and ArcToolbox; main ArcGIS Extensions; geografic reference systems and projection types; main geographic reference systems and projections used in Italy; raster and vector georeferencing (the Georeferencing toolbar), minimize georeferencing errors; changes of projection;
2) Creating and planning a GIS project (data frame and layers’ properties); creating and modifying data (Editor Toolbar); digitizing techniques; working with tables (structures, attributes and relationships between tables – join and relate); thematic map (styles and different methods of symbolization); map layout (legend, grid, bookmarks, working with more data frames); Regional Technical Cartography and Web Map Services;
3)Data Query: spatial and attributes data query (simple and multiple); basics of Structured Query Language; main Geoprocessing tools (Toolbox Analysis Tools): basics and use of the functions ‘Dissolve, Append, Clip, Intersect, Union, Merge, Buffer;
4) SPATIAL ANALYSIS 1) the Toolbox ‘Spatial Analyst Tools’; spatial interpolation methods (Trend, Inverse Distance Weighting, Kriging), density analysis, proximity analysis; Map algebra and Raster Calculator;
5) SPATIAL ANALYSIS 2) the Toolbox ‘3D Analyst Tools’ and 3D features; Digital Elevation Model (DEM): DEM creating and mosaic from vector and raster data, respectively; TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) model; Terrain analysis: contouring, hillshade, slope, aspect, curvature; topographic profiles; watershed and drainage basin delineation;
6)3D view of vector and raster data; ArcScene application; interactive “globe viewer” (Google Earth Pro e ArcGIS Earth) and data import/export from GIS (and vice versa).