Architectural Survey B (8cfu) ICAR 17
prof. Antonella Salucci
Teaching language
The teaching language is Italian
In continuity with the teachings of Drawing the first year of the Single Cycle Master Degree (5 years) in Architecture, the main objective of the Architectural Survey Course B (8 CFU) in the first semester (Prof. Antonella Salucci) is the acquisition of the theoretical applicative tools necessary to understand, measure, conceive and represent the architectural space.
The didactic planning of the course is divided into three main cognitive-processing fields:
- Architectural and Environmental Surveying;
- Digital technologies for architectural and urban surveying;
- Design and Photography.
These three thematic didactic areas form a single teaching, Architectural Survey B (8 cfu), which corresponds to a single final evaluation.
Testi di riferimento
DOCCI M., MAESTRI D. (2009). Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano. Editori Laterza. Roma.
CHIAVONI Emanulela, DOCCI Mario. (2017) Saper leggere l'architettura". Roma: Editori Laterza.
GAIANI Marco, DOCCI Mario, MAESTRI Diego. (2017). "Scienza del disegno". Novara: Città Studi Edizioni. ISBN: 9788825174144
CAFFIO Giovanni. (2022). "Atlante dei borghi solitari d'Abruzzo. Un viaggio in sessantacinque tappe alla scoperta dei più piccoli tra i piccoli comuni abruzzesi". Siracusa: LetteraVentidue Edizioni.
MEZZETTI Carlo (ed). (2008). "TEATE: Il disegno di una città". Roma: Edizioni Kappa.
PALESTINI Caterina. (2016). "Atlante della Palazzina a Pescara: progetti, realizzazioni, rilievi". Roma: Gangemi Editore International.
SALUCCI Antonella. (2022). "Mario Marchi ATLAS. Disegno e Fotografia". Roma: Gangemi Editore International.
TUNZI Pasquale (ed). (2015). "Pescara e il suo doppio. La rappresentazione della città perduta". Pescara: Carsa Edizioni.
UNALI Maurizio (ed). (2015). "Disegnare Pescara nell'esperienza didattica. Da Piazza Salotto a Times Square". Roma: Gangemi Editore.
Educational Goals
The course aims to study the theory and applications relating to architectural and urban surveying.
To this end, it assigns a basic training role to the survey procedures for the theoretical and operational knowledge of the built heritage.
In this regard, the notions for using the various traditional and digital survey methodologies will be provided, with their appropriate additions aimed at a conscious survey-project.
The training path proceeds from direct and instrumental methods, up to the most advanced advanced survey techniques.
For the courses of the same Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD) on more than one year, the examination relative to the subsequent discipline cannot be taken if the examination relative to the previous one has not been passed.
Registered prerequisites (A.A. 2014/2015 and later).
For the courses of the same Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD) on more than one year, the examination relative to the subsequent discipline cannot be taken if the examination relative to the previous one has not been passed.
Therefore, the Architectural Survey can not be taken if the examination of Descriptive Geometry has not been passed.
Didactic Methods
The course of Architectural Survey B (8 cfu) aims to contribute to the education of the student in the control of space (real or imagined), through the mental construction of an interpretative model and its representation.
The Architectural Survey B course is organized according to a teaching methodology divided into modules of lectures and workshops.
During the year the students divided into working groups, will have to undergo the guidance of the teacher, to carry out a relevant theme on a piece of the city with particular attention to its inclusion in the urban context and to the characteristic architectural emergencies.
The survey includes - on the basis of a preliminary survey project - the historical analysis, the detection and the restitution of the study area through the realization of elaborations according to appropriate scales of reduction of the plants, the elevations, the sections, the necessary and sufficient details to provide a complete and exhaustive description of the formal and structural characteristics of the architectural object.
The exam will focus on a possible graphic test and an oral test.
In the oral examination the candidates will exhibit the themes developed during the year and will have to answer questions concerning the program carried out in the theoretical lessons. The exercises are mandatory.
The individual student requires his own work equipment for drawing exercises (analog) in class or outside.
Evaluations of the verifications are indispensable, which together with a set of graphic drawings (weekly exercises) made by the student and checked periodically by the teacher, give access to the final exam with partial vote.
The vote given to the Architectural Survey (8 credits) is the synthesis of the theoretical and practical preparation matured by the student in the three thematic teaching modules that characterize the teaching.
In the final interview the student will have to show, therefore, a suitable degree of knowledge of the theoretical and practical knowledge related to the three modules attended through the discussion of some characterizing theoretical themes. The interview foresees the recognition in the elaboration of the working group of the individual contribution.
The evaluation of the exam is individual.
Other informations
In the disciplinary organization of the Single Cycle Master Degree in Architecture the disciplines of the DRAWING area - SSD ICAR 17 Drawing - are distributed in the first three years - Descriptive Geometry (1st year); Architectural Survey (2nd year); Design of Architecture (3rd year) - to converge to the 5th year at the end of the cycle of studies in the DEGREE LABORATORY - CONSERVATION AND REPRESENTATION PROJECT / Design Conservation and Representation) - in which the design areas are mainly developed, conservation and design with reference to the knowledge of the history of architecture, restoration and representation, assuming as a determining value the relationship with the historical and cultural heritage and with digital technologies.
Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento
The expected learning outcomes concern:
- awareness of the role and significance of the historical evolution of architectural communication;
- recognition and analysis of architectural values through representation methods;
- the acquisition and practice of methods of investigation aimed at critical knowledge of the spatial object according to a process that allows us to retrace the design process backwards.
The final evaluation of the Architectural Survey Course B consists of the weighted average of the assessments acquired by the student regarding:
- exercises done;
- elaboration of the annual theme;
- intermediate checks;
- individual oral exam on the cycle of lessons.