A. Texts and teaching documents which are mandatory for ALL STUDENTS (attending / non-attending):
1) slides of class lectures, including ancient sources, will be downloadable as files.PDF from the website DiLASS, page Materiale didattico: https://www.dilass.unich.it/node/6865
2) TACITO. Germania, Introduzione, traduzione e commento di S. AUDANO, Milano, Rusconi Libri, 2020, the whole book (pp. I-CXCVIII + 1-180)
3) R. SYME, Chapter XII. The Northern Frontiers under Augustus, in Cambridge Ancient History, 1st edition, vol. X, Cambridge, 1934, pp. 340-381 (downloadable as files.PDF from the website DiLASS, page Materiale didattico)
4) U. ROBERTO, Il nemico indomabile. Roma contro i Germani, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2018, the whole book (pp. I-VII + 1-360)
B. Additional text, which is mandatory just for NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS:
5) A. BARBERO, Barbari. Immigrati, profughi, deportati nell'Impero romano, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2006 (and following reprints), the whole book (pp. I-XVIII + 1-290).
C. Suggested readings (NON mandatory) for ALL STUDENTS:
6) A. BARBERO, Barbari. Immigrati, profughi, deportati nell'Impero romano, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2006 (and following reprints).
7) C. MAGRIS, Danubio, Milano, Garzanti, 1986 (and following reprints).
Attention: NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS are kindly requested to contact Dr. Filippini, before taking the exam, in order to fix the program in advance, beyond any doubt: alister.filippini@unich.it