"G. d'Annunzio"
We recommend a starting level of the French language at a level A2 (better if B1).
The aim of the French language course is to provide the student with the language skills of level B2, in accordance with the parameters defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages LIMITED TO the number of credits (6) and the consequent number of hours of frontal lessons available. Thus, the B2 level will be achieved in the following abilities: reading comprehension and listening comprehension, as well as an oral performance of the contents learned.Therefore, the aim of the course consists on developing comprehension skills of the issues related to business economics realia (authentic material) and oral production on topics about both economic contest and university life.At the end of the course, the student must be able to expose the contents studied in class with fluency and accuracy, as well as with correctness in phonetics, morpho-syntactic and lexical structures.The expected final results are defined starting from the parameters indicated by the five Dublin descriptors and adopted on the basis of the indications provided by the CEFR for the B2 level.Knowledge and ability to understand:At the end of the course, the student is expected to acquire good knowledge related to the French thematic and linguistic field of the course and develop the ability to understand authentic written and oral documents of a certain length taken from newspapers, television broadcasts, networked materials. etc.Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:Thanks to the didactic activities carried out during the course the student must be able to apply the knowledge and the comprehension skills acquired and to manage the communication in a clear and accurate language to transmit and expose the contents both in a written and oral form.Autonomy of judgment:At the end of the course, the student must demonstrate that he has developed critical thinking that enable him/her to analyse authentic documents concerning the contents learnt, to explain the concepts that have emerged and to express his point of view.Communication skills:At the end of the course the student will have to acquire the communication skills defined by the CEFR for the B2 level, that is to know how to understand detailed written texts and oral discourses related to concrete or abstract subjects and clarified in the areas in the contents.Learning ability:At the end of the learning path, the student will be able to develop his / her own study method to understand the contents covered during the course and to evaluate his / her own level of learning in relation to the objectives set for level B2.
The course contents allow the student to acquire the linguistic structures related to the language for special purposes, such as Sociology and Criminolgy. The course will prepare the student to know the specific language that characterizes topics inherent in problems of society such as : work, environment, new family models, migrations and so on . Topics related to Sociology, Criminology and the profession of sociologist and criminologist will also be illustrated.All the contents of the course are described in detail on the French Language website:www.ch.unich.it/economia/francese
Scuola delle Scienze Economiche, Aziendali, Giuridiche e SociologicheCorso di Laurea in Sociologia e Criminologia - 6 cfuCattedra di Lingua FranceseProf.ssa Liliane Vitulloe-mail : lilyvit@hotmail.com Description of the topics covered in class.The course: 48 hours on 12 weeks.The topics covered in the textbook are - Vivre en famille ;- Rechercher des Informations ;- Défendre des valeurs;- Se former;- Exercer une profession;Furthermore, for some topics concerning aspects of sociology and criminology:- Le métier du sociologue;- Le métier du criminologue;- Le métier du Conseiller pénitentiaire d’insertion et de probation.Moreover , to overview the language, the following material is available :- Eléments de phonétique : tableau des sons et exemples--audio1----audio2- Les chiffres : texte audio quelques exemples de prix : texte audio ; de numéros de téléphone : texte audio ; pour exprimer l’heure : texte audio- For the acquisition or review of the specific lexicon, a basic Economics Lexicon is available and un Petit lexique de base des études.for the study of grammar and linguistic functions with a contrastive method, the reference course book is the following:Florent Bongiovanni, Français: mode d'emploi. Manuale di grammatica contrastiva del francese, pubblicato da youcanprint, 2018; con e-book per l’autocorrezione degli esercizi:https://books.google.it/books?id=4PRcDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA7&lpg=PA7&dq=Bongiova...'emploi&f=false
The teaching material is developed by the teacher from written, audio and video documents and can be found on the following French language site:www.ch.unich.it/economia/francese The reference texts are:Jacky Girardet, Jacques Pécheur, Colette Gibbe, Marie-Louise Prizet, Tendances B2, Méthode de Français, CLE International, 2017 ; Jacques Pécheur, Jacky Girardet, Tendances B2 – Cahier d’activités, CLE International, 2017.
The method adopted is the functional communicative one with the aid of authentic linguistic documents such as articles taken from the French press, audio and video linguistic resources produced in an authentic way for a French and / or French-speaking audience.
The assessment of the French language in the Sociology and Criminology Degree Course is evaluated with no marks but classified as “idoneità” (a no figure evaluation, but a simple pass or fail) and provides the acquisition of 6 ECT (European University System).The assessment method consists of an oral test aimed to evaluate the correctness of oral productions through the presentation of the topics studied in class.
There are no different programs between attending and non-attending students, considering the difficulty for the latter by studying alone. However, non-attending students are recommended to contact the teacher before starting his/her study.You can find the main teacher’s information about program, time table, exam calendar, office hours and any other notice, by login in the French language site already above mentioned:www.ch.unich.it/economia/francese