The structure of the course aims to convey to the students concepts, both theoretical and practical knowledge and specific skills, through three different teaching methods: ex cathedra lectures, educational communications, exercises.
Ex cathedra lessons
The lessons are designed to provide students with the basic theoretical coordinates of the discipline through the critical analysis of its evolution, to its current and its future prospects conditions.
The "Didactic Communication" concern instead on technical arguments leading man, and with the collaboration of the assistants to the course, or the presence of qualified external experts, invited in relation to the theme of the year of the Laboratory.
Within this section, a specific space is dedicated to the identification of the reasons which have always been indispensable space of the specific discipline, regardless of changes in operating instrumentation.
Exercise form
The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the understanding of the relationships between the building or infrastructure changes and the more general change in local contexts of belonging, through the analysis of the contemporary settlement transformation processes. The ultimate aim of the course is to consider the need and usefulness of urban planning as an instrument of control and governance of such transformations.
In particular, the course aims to enhance the capacity of acquiring methods of analysis and interpretation of urban and regional physical contexts, including in relation to contemporary processes of transformation, through an integrated approach that:
- takes on the physical structure as a material expression of social, economic structures, cultural, administrative and management, and local and supra local network logic;
- calls for consideration of the main regulations and discipline of the municipal development plan and supra loca plan;
- tries to operationally experiment a methodology of elaboration of planning guidelines and design at the urban scale, with particular attention to issues of safety of the territory, informed participation and ecological progress of local contexts.
Complete schedule
The program consists of five modules, as listed below.
These modules occupy the lessons according to the timing to follow, providing for the afternoon of Tuesday the exercitative activities (module 3 and 4), and in the morning of Wednesday the activities mainly related to the theoretical activities of lectures (module 1 and 2).
The # 5 module concerns activities outside the university, and takes place in times and places outside the main program, also in collaboration with other non-university courses and events.
Module #1 (Glossary of Urban Planning)
Module #2 (The origins of the modern Urban Planning)
Module #3 (Techniques and tools)
Modulo #4 (Practices)
Modulo #5 (Audiovisual and retrospective exhibition)
Module #1 Glossary of Urban Planning
Glossary and planning instruments. Introduction: the importance of words.
1. What is Urban Planning. Definitions of urban planning. The Charter of Principles of the SIU.
2. The territory and its components. definitions of city and territory. Territory as a resource and as a container. Development and crisis of the cities.
3. Planning and disciplines of the territory. The bow and the stones: architecture and urban planning, architects and urban planners. Please, don't say...
4. The actors and institutions. The production process of the city and territory. The subjects of the production process. Business demand and that of families. City and conflict. Income, revenue, profit and wages.
5. The income and its role in urban processes. Definitions of income. Urban income, property, real estate. Absolute and differential annuity . Regimes and forms of government. Levels of government. Principle of subsidiarity. Legislative powers today. The local government competencies. Metropolitan cities and metropolitan areas.
6. The planning instruments in the law of 1942. The law urban planning framework. European references. The planning levels in the 1150/42 law. PRG. The language of the Plan. Contents, training and implementation of the PRG. The Detailed Plan. The expropriation tool. The expropriation in Europe. Procedures and reference standards in Italy.
7. The implementing urban planning and real estate income. The Reconstruction Plan. The "urban reform". Implementation plans: PEEP, PLC, PfR. Implementation plans as urban income control tool.
8. The planning standards. The extent of public spaces. Meaning of stardard. Services, equipment, infrastructure. Primary and secondary urbanization. Public / private / collective / individual. The "legge Ponte" 765 of 1967. The Decree 1444 of 1968. Planning Standard as "small amounts." Standard and homogeneous areas. Virtues and limits of urban standards.
9. The building rights from the license granting. Who owns the building rights? Civic uses. Surface rights. Attempts at reform in Italy of the system of soil and responses of the Constitutional Court. The landslide of Agrigento of 1966. The Act 10 of 1977 (Bucalossi law). License and building permit. Although licensed. Consistency of urban transformations in space and time. The Multiannual Programme for Implementation (PPA).
10. Planning instruments in relation to the environment. Environment and planning. Environment and territory. Landscape and landscape interpretation. Law 1089 of 1497 and 1939. Two modes of protection: constraints and plans. The law 431 of 1985. The Act 183 of 1989 and the Basin Plan. The Law 394 of 1991 and the Plans of Parks and Protected Areas.
11. The "abnormal" planning instruments ". Ordinary and extraordinary plans. Strategic plans. Complex programs. Program agreements, integrated programs of intervention, urban renewal programs, PRUSST, District Contracts, Area Contracts, Territorial Pacts. New planning instruments.
12. The tools for the care and urban regeneration of urban commons. Municipal regulations, citizenship agreements and collaboration, communities hubs, other innovative experiences in Italy and abroad.
Module #2 – The origins of the modern Urban Planning
1. The Great Transformation. Modern urban trails. Issues and themes. Introduction to the text: "The modern urban origins", L. Benevolo.
2. The age of the great expectations. The practice of the regulations and plans. The beginnings of planning legislation. The description of the city of Manchester F. Engels. Twice, scientific and "moralistic" (ethical?) Modern urbanism.
3. Utopias and new company projects (26 October 2010). The roots utopian modern urbanism. Figures: R. Owen, C. Fourier, J. B. Godin. Experiences, inheritances, judgments. The sense of utopia in the present age.
4. From Hausmann to the General Plan (16 November 2010). 1848 and its modern urbanism consequences. Hausmann and the invention of the "modern" city. The motivations of the great transformations of Paris. Military political motivations. The health and hygiene reasons. Zoning reasons .. Readings: Paris as the ultimate form of Western cities (F. Choay).
Module #3 - Techniques and tools
1. Basic Tools of Urban Planning. Topographical plans and their use
2. Geographic Information Systems. SIT and WEBGIS
3. The planning tools at the regional scale
4. The planning tools at the provincial level
5. The planning tools at the municipal level
The Municipal General Town Plan. The shape of the plan. The procedures. Documents
the sizing
Parameters and indices
Urban standards
Urban equalization
Communication and participation in planning
The GIS software (by Daniela Bisceglia)
What is GIS and how to use it
Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Earth Pro
Q-GIS and Open Source Applications
The elementary functions of Q-GIS. How to load a shape file, and a raster file
Tools and basic drawing functions
Table attributes and functions
Editing of maps in GIS environment
Basic notions of Web GIS. Build a web page through the GIS 2.0 Ushaidi platform.
Module #4 Practices
Territorial inventory exercises. Prior analysis of a case study through territorial maps, cartographic representations and interpretations, planning instruments, projects and processing actions
Seminar 1: Contributions to the Regeneration Plan and shared care of the Urban Commons of the southern suburbs of Pescara.
During practice activity is expected elementary learning of theoretical and practical knowledge related to the construction of Geographic Information Systems, in relation to the theme of the exercise, including through apprenticeships on open source programs.
Module #5 - Audiovisual and retrospective exhibition
Audiovisual exhibition "Transformations of cities and territories"
(to develop during the course)