Gabriele d'Annunzio University - Chieti Pescara
Department of Architecture - Pescara
Degree course in Architecture
Degree type: Single-cycle master degree
Class LM-4
A.A. 2018 - 2019
Urban Planning Course Program 1 C
Prof. Antonio Alberto Clemente
Year of Course: First
Second semester
CFU - 8
Placement in the training project
The Urban Planning 1 course is located in the second semester of the first year of the Master's and single cycle degree in Architecture (Class LM-4).
The training course is composed of a theoretical and an exercise component, and aims to teach the use of tools and methodologies for the interpretation of the urban context aimed at developing a medium complexity urban project.
Educational goals
The Urban Planning course II aims to provide the framework of basic knowledge needed to describe and interpret cities, territory, environment and landscape. This general purpose will be pursued through lectures, exercises, laboratory activities and inspections.
The specific objective of the course is to conduct a first experience of urban planning that has a particular care towards the open space so that the student can learn:
- the main regulatory references;
- methodologies for interpreting the context;
- the techniques and strategies for the elaboration of a project of medium complexity.
Articulation and contents of the course
The course consists of lectures, exercises, laboratory activities and inspections that have the purpose of instructing the project at the end of the course.
The lectures will mainly concern:
- how the meaning of the urban term changed after the Constitutional Law n. 3 of 18 October 2001;
- overview of the hypothesis of the reform of Law 1150/42 presented in Rome on July 24, 2014: Principles concerning territorial public policies and urban transformation;
- the main urban theories through projects, plans, programs and texts that document the construction of the European city;
- evolution, potential, limits and main problems of the urban planning instruments of its techniques and of the related legal framework;
- critical analysis of the functional and morphological characteristics of the urban context in order to be able to assess the implementation conditions of a transformation and / or redevelopment process;
- introduction to the concept of environment and landscape in relation to their influence on urban planning and territorial governance.
The laboratory activities are divided into exercises (in the classroom and at home) and intermediate checks.
The exercises pursue the objective of introducing the student to the knowledge of the main urban planning techniques, of the specific terminology and of the operational practice.
The intermediate checks are three (the dates will be agreed in class with the students).
1. Note the index of territorial manufacturability and the extension of the area of intervention, the student must calculate the main urban indexes and parameters identifying the number of buildings corresponding to the expected residential volume.
2. The student must graphically represent the volumetric quantities of residential construction and understand how the design varies according to the different building types.
3. Note the index of land fabricability and land area the student will have to calculate all the indexes and urban parameters necessary to design the planivolumetric of a social housing settlement.
The project for the end of the course deals with the topic of urban-scale intervention with particular reference to the area of Montesilvano, including: via Luxembourg, via Strasbourg, via Portugal and via England. The aim is to introduce the student to the elaboration of an urban project of medium complexity in which the student must pay particular attention to the representation of the idea of the strength of the project, of the concept and of the master plan.
The exam will focus on an individual interview based on:
- frontal lessons
- Laboratory activities
- end-of-course project
The essential reference bibliography is organized by thematic groups in relation to the articulation and contents of the course.
The main reference texts are as follows:
Neil Brenner, Stato, spazio, urbanizzazione, Guerini scientifica, Milano 2016;
Antonio A. Clemente, Paesaggi inumani. I silos granari come monumenti (Inhuman landscape. Grain silos are monuments) in Juan Calatrava, Francisco García Pérez, David Arredondo Garrido (eds.) La Cultura y la Ciudad, Editorial Universidad de Granada, Granada 2016;
Antonio A. Clemente, Urbanistica senza termini in Cambiamenti. Responsabilità e strumenti per l’urbanistica al servizio del paese, Planum Publisher, Roma- Milano, 2017;
Choay Françoise, La città. Utopie e realtà, Einaudi, Torino 1973 (1965);
Mario G. Cusmano, Le parole della città. Viaggio nel lessico urbano, Franco Angeli, Milano 2009;
Paola Di Biagi (a cura di), I classici dell'urbanistica moderna, Donzelli, Roma 2009;
Maurizio Tira e Michele Zazzi, Pianificare le reti ciclabili territoriali, Gangemi, Roma 2007.
Falco Luigi, L’indice di fabbricabilità, Utet, Torino 1999;
L. Gaeta, U. Janin Rivolin, L. Mazza, Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, Città Studi Edizioni, Novara 2018:
- parte terza: Cap. 20 Il progetto urbanistico (pp. 399/411), Cap. 21 I nuovi orientamenti del piano (pp. 413/431);
- parte quarta: Governo del territorio: piani e politiche on line);
Indovina F. (a cura di) con Fregolent L. e Savino M. (2006), Nuovo lessico urbano, Franco Angeli, Milano.
Italia V. (2012), Urbanistica. La pianificazione urbanistica, la normativa edilizia e il governo del territorio, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano.
Gabellini Patrizia, Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma 2001;
Gaeta Luca, Umberto Janin Rivolin, Luigi Mazza, Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, Città Studi Edizioni, Novara 2013 (solo PARTE QUARTA – Governo del territorio: piani e politiche – pp. 423/541);
Indovina F. (a cura di) con Fregolent L. e Savino M. (2006), Nuovo lessico urbano, Franco Angeli, Milano.
Italia V. (2012), Urbanistica. La pianificazione urbanistica, la normativa edilizia e il governo del territorio, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano.
Secchi Bernardo, Prima lezione di urbanistica, Laterza, Roma – Bari 2000.
Other bibliographic references, work materials and specific details will be provided in class.
For more information on the topics related to the course, please refer to:
During the course of the course will be indicated the chapters of the volumes to be studied and any further texts.