Volume ratio between skull and face during growth; Growth of the bone tissue
The phenomena linked to growth according to the theory of D.H. Enlow on the development and growth of the craniofacial district (the principle of parts and counterparts):
Cortical migration;
Primary repositioning;
Secondary repositioning;
Growth processes:
Cranial cap;
Cranial base;
Face: jaw and mandible;
Condylar growth;
Most important studies and theories on the mechanism of growth in the cranio-facial district:
Hellman's study;
Broadbent study;
Bjork study;
Genetic thought (Sicher); Functional thinking (Moss);
Aetiology of MALOCCLUSIONS: Prenatal causes:phylogenetic;hereditary:
Anomal in number, position, form; Orthopedic malocclusions of II and III class;
Hypoplasia or mandibular hyperplasia; Bimascellar protrusion;
Ogival palate;
Insertion anomalies of the frenules; Congenital:
Post-natal causes
Functional causes:
Oral breathing;
Phonation disorders; Atypical swallowing;
Muscle abnormalities;
Spoiled habits;
CEPHALOMETRY: Prescription;

Technical radiography;
Cephalometric anatomy;
Steiner analysis modified according to the School of Orthodontics of the University of Chieti:
Points of repere;
Plans of repere;
Angles and distances;
Clinical significance of the values;
The cephalometric analysis according to D.H. Henlow: The principle of counterparties;
Cephalometric evaluation according to the School of Orthodontics of the University of Chieti
Cephalometric evaluation of the cervical spine according to Solow
Ricketts analysis;
Necessary material; Extraoral frontal photo: Technique;
Analysis of symmetries;
Harmonic relationship of the face (3/3) Harmonic relation of the lips; Relationship between upper lip and incisors sup. Gingival smile;
Facial index;
Cephalic index;
Extraoral lateral photo:
Profile curvature analysis;
Analysis of the labial profile;
Analysis of Schwarz's profile;
Nose-labial angle;
Angle between upper lip and vertical facc. Lntraorali photos:
Clinical meaning;
Front and side photos;
Occlusal photos;
Overjet photo;
Imprint of the mouth:
Implementation technique;
Squaring of the models according to Tweed;
Definition of the FACC;
Definition of inclination;
Definition of Angulation;
Definition of overjet and overbite;
The six keys to Andrews's occlusion;
Analysis of space and outline of therapy based on the extent of crowding; Bolton index.
The objective of diagnosis in functional orthopedic orthodontics: to intercept problems and identify a priority for intervention
The importance of collaboration with other professionals (pediatrician, speech therapist, otolaryngologist, physiotherapist, physiatrist, etc.)
The timing in orthopedic-functional therapy
The therapeutic devices used in orthopedic-functional therapy in developmental age, depending on the type of malocclusion and in relation to the collaboration
 of the patient
compliance and no-compliance devices
The concept of functionalizing therapy and its relationship with neuronal memory