- History of Anesthesiology, definition of the tasks and the current role of the Anesthesiologist-Critical Care Physician
- Anesthesiological approach to surgery: the perioperative risk, the choice of technique, pre-anesthesia, the planning of pain control, the choice of the path (outpatient, day surgery, ordinary hospitalization)
- The satisfaction of the patient's needs: correct information, the concept of "informed consent" and legal implications; the medical record
- Patient preparation to anesthesia: venous cannulation, monitoring of vital functions
- General anesthesia: techniques, inhalation anesthetics, intravenous anesthetics, complementary drugs of general anesthesia: analgesics, neuromuscular blocking agents
- The instrument of narcosis: anesthesia devices, ventilators, vaporizers
- The phases of general anesthesia: induction, maintenance, awakening, etc.
- Complications of general anesthesia
- Airway management: indications, techniques and instruments, advantages, disadvantages and complications
- Anatomical and physiological aspects of nerve conduction
- Paths of pain of interest for dentistry
- Pain, symptom and disease
- Treatment of pain in the outpatient patient: limits and indications
- Loco-regional anesthesia: techniques, fields of use, instruments
- Characteristics of local anesthetics and classification
- Pharmacological aspects of local anesthetics: mechanism of action, metabolism, toxicity, main local anesthetics and complementary agents
- Techniques of loco-regional anesthesia in dentistry and indications
- Complications of loco-regional anesthesia, prevention and treatment
- Outpatient anesthesia: indications and limits, techniques, drugs, conscious sedation
- Risk in the dental clinic and prevention: assessment and monitoring of subjects, anxiety and psycho-pharmacological anxiolysis
- Particular patients (pediatric, handicapped, diabetic, hypertensive patients, patients with coronary artery disease and in anticoagulant therapy, etc.)
- Outpatient emergencies: lipothymia, acute respiratory failure, anaphylactic-anaphylactoid reactions, angina, convulsions, sepsis
- Emergency drugs and equipment
- Diagnostic and therapeutic approach in craniofacial pain syndromes