"G. d'Annunzio"
All the exams of 1st and 2nd years
Generalities about pathogenesis, transmission and gestion of main infectious diseases
Introduction at the infectious diseases, mechanisms against infections. Pathogenesis of infectious diseases
COVID19 Mechanisms of defence against infections. Pathogenesis of infectious diseases HIV infection: -aetiology -Epidemiology -Transmission -Clinic steps -Main oportunistic infections -and viral and bacterial -Infections transmitted by arthropods -Nosocomial Infections -Viral hepatitis
Calza, Principi di Malattie Infettive, ED. Esculapio Cauda Carosi, Core curriculum Malattie Infettive, Ed. Mc Graw Hill
Frontal lessons
Oral examination
We reiceive students on Monday from 10 to 14, before booking 0871/357217 or email segrmalinf@unich.it