"G. d'Annunzio"
Knowledge of the history of modern and contemporary philosophy, of classical German philosophy and of some central elements of scientific reflection between the 18th and 19th centuries.
The course is part of the broader objective of the CdS to form students to the analysis and understanding of philosophical texts, both through historical and philological reconstruction, and through a critical analysis of the main philosophical categories. In particular, the course aims to offer an analysis of the concept of life between the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries and the role that the discoveries of biology play in the theoretical reflection and transformation of methods of investigation and forms of knowledge. The final objective of the course will be to allow students to take an interdisciplinary look at the development of concepts and thus a capacity not only to historicise and place in the historical-theoretical context the categories of analysis, but also to take a critical look at the intersections between the various areas of knowledge (in this case in particular between philosophy and biology).
The course will focus on the relationship between the concept of life and epistemic models, analyzing in particular the role that this relationship plays in classic German idealism and specifically in Hegelian thought.
The recent interest in the theme of life, from biopolitics to the biologization of knowledge, invites us to reflect today on the link between biology and thought that finds its first significant manifestation at the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century. The influence that the researches of scientists and biologists have on Kantian philosophy, on Schelling's thought and on the Hegelian system show in fact the close link between the way of conceiving the concept and the way of life to express oneself. The program will try to analyze how this link becomes evident in the theoretical turning point of classical German idealism. For the purposes of the analysis of this turning point, some texts by Kant, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel will be analyzed, focusing in particular on the texts of the latter two.
G.W.F. Hegel, Scienza della Logica, Einaudi
G.W.F. Hegel, Fenomenologia dello spirito, La Nuova Italia
F.W.J Schelling, Sull'anima del mondo, Orthotes editore
Testi consigliati: D. Tarizzo, La vita, un'invenzione recente, Laterza
Classroom lectures, seminar meetings, presentation of papers in the classroom, participation in conferences related to the theme of the course.
interview, vote expressed in thirtieths.
The dialogue during the examination will be aimed at assessing the historical, theoretical and analytical skills of the student, as well as his ability to analyze the texts. An oral exam of variable duration will take place, during which knowledge, skills and competences will be tested, in oder to assess the achievement of the learning objectives and expected outcomes. The exam will consist of questions on course contents, and of a critical-textual analysis.
The teacher receives the students once a week, Receiving ordinarily takes place in the days and times indicated in the document published on the website of the Department of Philosophical, Pedagogical and Economic-Quantitative Sciences. Nonetheless, it is strongly recommended to ask for an appointment by e-mail, briefly presenting the question to be submitted to the teacher (stefania.achella@unich.it). The teacher is available to agree to reception hours different from the standard ones.