Knowledge of authors and texts, in order to assume the specific language, in distiction from these in use in other contexts.
To understand the mode of logic and scientific tools applied in the word of human facts underling the difference with the theretical approach
To characterize language strategy of theory in opposition to sensation.
To underline the gap between word and fact, between abstract concept and the reality of emotion, between general and peculiar.
How to connect relativism with obiectivity.
Back to the past: language and memory
Analysis of the chain of relation experience –memory-language-knowledge whose underline may distinguish classic philosophy (Plato and Aristotle). The goal is to investigate if Aristotle cames backat the beginning of XX century in the confrontation between theory and praxis..
The cave’s metaphor may be defined from the use of theoroi to gain knowledge about the foreign panathenaic festivals. It is something quite similiar to the data research for a rational planing of the reality. To obtain that Plato arrives to divide ideal theory from becoming reality; Aristotle declare this solution as a cultural pathology of greek society, and he try to develop connection between theory and contingent praxis
Textbooks for following lectures and taking examination:
1. PLATONE, Repubblica, I, VII-X; trad. M. Vegetti (Rizzoli); oppure trad. F. Sartori – M. Vegetti – B. Centrone (Laterza)
2. ARISTOTELE, Dell’Anima. Libro III, a cura di M. Giorgiantonio, Carabba, Lanciano 2011
3. ARISTOTELE, Della memoria e della reminiscenza. Con la parafrasi di W. Hamilton, a cura di M. Giorgiantonio, Carabba, Lanciano 2017
4. ARISTOTELE, Il primo libro della Metafisica, trad. G. Vailati, Carabba, Lanciano 2008
5. DIONE DI PRUSA, Orazione XXXVI (Boristenitico), trad. M. Di Febo, Carabba, Lanciano 2017
6. E. BERGSON, La filosofia dell’intuizione, a cura di G. Papini, Carabba, Lanciano 2008; oppure G. VAILATI, Gli strumenti della conoscenza, Carabba, Lanciano 2009
Textbooks to prepare esamination:
Testi per la preparazione dell’esame:
1. E. BERGSON, Materia e Memoria, a cura di A. Pessina, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
2. G. A. LUCCHETTA, L’Aristotele divergente di G. Papini e G. Vailati, Carabba, Lanciano 2020; oppure
G. A. LUCCHETTA Metafisica I: la Sophia degli antichi, 2 volumi, Carabba, Lanciano 2009-10.
Lectures, conferences and seminar
It will be verified the knowledge of the argument of the course. The student have to declare the textbook that he used for studing, if there was a choice, and it will be verified if the candidate finds his bearings in the text of the course with the help of the text of comment.