EAR, NOSE and THROAT Prof G. Neri:
Anatomy of the oral cavity of the pharynx and larynx
Physiology of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx
physiopathology of swallowing
Phlogistic disorders of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx
Neoplasms of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx
nutrition elements of the patient subjected to demolition operations on the upper aerodigestive tracts
Anatomy of the mouth and teeth
Deciduous, mixed, permanent dentition
Dental inclusions and retentions
Malocclusions (Angle classification)
Oral microbiome
Saliva and pathologies related to its alterations
Oral manifestations in the course of diabetes, infectious diseases, immunomediated, others
Benign and malignant lesions of hard and soft, odontogenic and non-oral tissues (Lichen, Leukoplakia, Erythroplachia, HPV, Herpes, HIV, Candidosis, Ca oral cavity)
Prof Alberto d'Aulerio:
Tumors and nutrition
Nutrition and cancer prevention
Nutrition and chemotherapy
Esophagus disorders
Stomach pathology and stomach cancer
Acute and chronic pancreatitis
Inflammatory diseases of the intestine
Colon cancer
Diverticula of the colon
Digestive bleeding