"G. d'Annunzio"
It is required an adequate knouledge of Arabic language.
At the end of this specific course, the student is able to recognize the historical background of Arab Women’s Literary History and to challenge the popular Western stereotype that the hijab is a symbol of Muslim women’s oppression, just as an example. The student is able also to identify the Arab women’s voices on contemporary literature and drama, and to expose a critical and independent point of view.
The feminine in Semitic pre-Islamic environments. Woman in the Qur'an. Islamic feminism: origin and development. Women and Mass Media. Female scripts. Lectures.
The course expands students to knowledge of female contributions to Arabic literature from the early days until now. One of the first steps is to analyze the women or deities of oriens christianus arabicus in pre-islamic times. The second part will analyse the Qur’ān and the female transmission of Ḥadīths, even though they introduced into Islam images of women as ‘‘morally and religiously defective’’. In modern times, it is not generally known that Arab women have been writing and publishing fiction since the end of the nineteenth century. Having said that, the majority of the course will be devoted to the recent events. A particular emphasis will be placed on a literary genre little known in Italy: the Arabic drama through women’s eyes. The Program, References or Selected Bibliography are the same for all students. For non-attendants, it is preferable to contact the teacher for additional materials, or other.
Ferial MOUHANNA, La donna del Corano. Islam e condizione femminile, Viareggio, La Vela, 2019. Monica RUOCCO (a cura di), Esistenze: voci delle drammaturgie arabe tra diaspora e rivoluzione [Laboratorio di traduzione, 1], Napoli, UniorPress, 2021
The course consists of two parts, the first covering frontal lessons (with support of Power Point files and selected and specific materials offering during the course), and the second a selection of literary prose and specific analyses of the texts
Oral exam
To contact rositaconte@outlook.it cell. 3275466689