Texts to translate at home:
The texts in Chinese to translate at home will be uploaded to the Moodle platform and will be an integral part of the teaching material. To download them, please enroll in the online course on Moodle.
Mandatory text:
Nicoletta Pesaro (ed.), La traduzione del cinese. Riflessioni, strategie e tipologie testuali, Hoepli, 2023 (chapters 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9).
Recommended text:
Chiara Romagnoli, Grammatica cinese. Le parole vuote del cinese moderno, Hoepli, 2012.
Recommended paper dictionary:
Rosa Lombardi (ed.), Dizionario cinese-italiano-cinese Garzanti, Garzanti Linguistica, 2015. It is not necessary to purchase the dictionary recommended by the professor if you already own one in the Italian-Chinese-Italian combination.