The Italian translations listed here are available in the University library system. For the purposes of the course, later or earlier editions are also fine.
Introductions, prefaces and notes are part of the curriculum.
The knowledge acquired in the context of the German literature I course, in particular through the study of the manual Storia della letteratura tedesca. vol. 2: Dal Settecento alla prima guerra mondiale (ed. by Ulrike Kindl, Laterza, Bari 2001), represent a necessary prerequisite for understanding the contents of this course.
A) For Foreign Languages and Literature students (L11)
1) G.E. Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm, ovvero La fortuna del soldato (edited by Emilio Bonfatti, transl. by Italo Alighiero Chiusano, Marsilio, Venice 2012)
2) J.W. Goethe, Götz von Berlichingen (in Id., Teatro, transl. by Italo Alighiero Chiusano, Einaudi, Turin 1973)
3) F. Schiller, Maria Stuart (in Id., I masnadieri; Don Carlos; Maria Stuarda, intro, transl. and notes by Enrico Groppali, Garzanti, Milan 2003)
4) G. Büchner, Leonce e Lena (in Id., Teatro, edited by Giorgio Dolfini, Adelphi, Milan 1978)
5) G. Hauptmann, The tessitori (transl. by Barbara Gambaccini, Edizioni Clandestine, Massa 2019)
6) B. Brecht, Vita di Galileo (in Id., Teatro, vol. 2, Einaudi, Turin 1974)
7) F. Dürrenmatt, Die Physiker (Id., I fisici, edited and translated by Aloisio Rendi, Einaudi, Turin 2007)
8) Handout of poems provided by the teacher: Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Grillparzer, Mörike, A. v. Droste-Hülshoff, Storm, C.F. Meyer, Keller, Trakl, Heym...
9) L’età classico-romantica: la cultura letteraria in Germania tra Settecento e Ottocento, edited by Michele Cometa, Laterza, Rome-Bari 2009.
10) M. Dallapiazza, C. Santi, Storia della letteratura tedesca. 3. Il Novecento, Laterza, Bari 2001 (up to and including the II chapter of the second part, pp. 5-229).
B) For students of Linguistic mediation and intercultural communication (L12) the program is the same, with the exception of the play Die Physiker by F. Dürrenmatt.
Non-attending students of L11 and L12 are required to study (in addition to the required texts), instead of the poetry booklet (point 8): J. W. Goethe, Inni, edited by G. Baioni, with parallel German text, Einaudi, Turin 1998; H. Heine, Poesie scelte, edited by Simonetta Carusi, Mimesis Edizioni, 2016.
They will also add: La poesia tedesca del primo Novecento, cap. 1 (Il primo Novecento) and chap. 2 (La lirica tedesca tra le due guerre) edited by Anna Chiarloni, Laterza, Bari 2009, pp. 3-72.
Alessandro Fambrini, L'età del realismo, chap. 1-7, Carocci, Florence 2006, pp. 11-193.