The basic concepts
International clinical models: Benenzon, Muisc Therapy Creative Norfoff-Robbins, Muisc Therapy Analytical Orienteering (MAO) M.Priestley,Brian Muisc Therapy( BMT) C. Mansen, Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) H. Bonny.
Italian clinical models: Scardovelli, Postacchi i, Manaro.o, Lorenzetti.
Musicoterapia A ti e and Receptive
The sound dialogue: Matching e Pacing, il Rapport, Leading
Clinical improvisation : (psychological orientations and theories )
Music Therapy Counseling : Rogers ( tuning and mirroring)
Neurolinguistic Programming: Brandler e Grinder (the Map and Modeling )
Fields of application: ( preventive,rehabilitative and therapeutic Music Therapy)
Group management: W.Bion (the basic assumptiones) and O. Kernberg
Music Therapy and Neurology
Music Therapy and Learning Disability
Musical Training: Music e movement, graphomotricity, perception, language, memory, calculation, integration, inclusion.
Historical background
The Music Therapy Project and the Observation Protocol in the different contexts of Occupational Therapy
Sound characteristics: height, intensity, timbre ,duration)
Main organizational models of music: musical forms
Phraseological and rhythmic analysis
Conventional musical writing
Analogical Muisical writing (creazione of codes )
Guided listening of different musical genres and styles
The didactic instruments ( with a determined and indeterminate sound), the unconventional instruments
Musical improvisation throghi the body, the voice, the silente, the instruments
Teaching methods: Dalcroze, Kodaly, Orff, Willems, Ward