Foods in nutrition and well-being, Stabilization of foods, main food alterations.
Water (water composition, origin, general characteristics, drinking water, meaning of the analysis of the main water components).
Nutritional macromolecules (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids).
Micronutrients, minerals and vitamins.
Plant foods and bioactive constituents of foods of vegetable origin (composition, general characteristics, role of nutritional molecules on human health).
Cereals and derivatives (composition and general characteristics, wheat flour, gluten formation, dough production, characteristics and analysis of the main components of wheat flour).
Qualitative and quantitative analysis, isolation of the molecule from the matrix, molecular and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Chromatographic techniques. Innovative food technology based on precision nutrition (omics science).
Nervine substances (coffee, tea, cocoa) and bioactive compounds contained.
Organic and biodynamic products.
Mycotoxins and other contaminations by pathogens.
Contaminants, additives and antioxidants.