Master in Design
professor: Antonio Marano
assistant: PhD student Ivo Spitilli
ssd: Icar/13
cfu: 12
year: first
course: annual
type: online (first semester 40 hours) - face-to-face (second semester 80 hours)
A.A.: 2020/2021
The Product Design 1 course provides basic training in product design, both in terms of theoretical knowledge and operational experience.
The design of a durable product in the fields of light design, furniture design, office design, kitchen design, bathroom fittings design, fashion design, etc., requires the learning of the critical tools to understand the requests for innovation that emerge from the economic, productive, environmental and socio-cultural system, as well as knowledge of methodologies of analysis and metadesign research, of creative processes of generation, selection and development of innovative solutions with respect to the needs and wishes of users. But designing a product also means acquiring the skills to articulate all the functional, physical, technical, ergonomic, environmental, aesthetic-formal, symbolic and communicative characteristics that determine the qualitative aspects of an industrial object, in relation to the use and possibilities of technological and production realization.
The Product Design 1 course is structured in two integrated and coherent modules related to theoretical knowledge and practical design experience:
1° - theoretical-mythological knowledge (first semester 40 hours online)
objectives: to observe / to learn / to reflect
- introduction to design (definitions, methods and tools, application fields)
- design culture (masters, designers, artefacts)
- design agencies (Ideo, design continuum, design research networks)
- design and competitiveness (Italian production system, made in Italy)
- design and contemporaneity (scenarios, trends, local and global issues)
exercise 1
the analysis of an industrial product (typological, morphological, technological, functional, aesthetic).
2° - practical design experience (second semester 80 hours face-to-face)
objective: to invent
- design methodologies (product development processes, design-driven innovation)
- metadesign research and analysis (context research and innovation scenarios)
- design and creativity (brainstorming, visualstorming)
exercise 2
my first project of an industrial product: System Kitchen (brief, concept, concept development).
The Product Design 1 course aims to:
- introduce the student to the methods and tools for design;
- start and direct the students’ project activity towards innovation processes guided by design;
- supporting students in identifying and familiarizing with masters and design objects;
- to encourage students in the formation of their own identity and professional orientation;
develop students' creative and prefigurative skills through design simulation on the most up-to-date innovation themes of product design.
- Alberto Bassi, Design. Progettare gli oggetti quotidiani, Il Mulino, Bologna 2015.
- Edward De Bono, Creatività e pensiero laterale. Manuale di pratica della fantasia, Bur, Milano 1998.
- Flaviano Celaschi e Alessandro Deserti, Design e Innovazione. Strumenti e pratiche per la ricerca applicata, Carocci, Roma 2007.
- Medardo Chiapponi, Cultura sociale del prodotto. Nuove frontiere per il disegno industriale, Feltrinelli, Milano 1999.
- Vilém Flusser, Filosofia del design, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2003.
- M. Cristina Forlani e Andrea Vallicelli (a cura di), Design e innovazione tecnologica, Gangemi, Roma 2016.
Teaching methods
The Product Design 1 course is organized in:
- frontal contributions offered by the teacher (lectures / presentations);
- seminars with national and international guests (monographic / seminar lessons);
- individual exercises with ongoing evaluations;
- collective reviews and timely meetings (presentations and choral discussions / direct reviews);
Other information
Modality of verification of learning
The Product Design 1 course includes three individual evaluations in progress:
first evaluation in progress related to the exercise 1 (Product analysis);
second evaluation in progress related to the exercise 2 (Product brief);
third evaluation in progress related to the exercise 2 (Product concept);
The final individual examination assessment will be based on the three ongoing evaluations and the evaluation of the exam session. The exam consists of the presentation of the results of the last project phase related to the Development Concept and in the critical discussion of the overall results of the design experience.