In continuity with the courses of first year of the Three Year Degree Course in Design, the main objective of the "Drawing for Design" Course (8UTC) is to introduce the student to the knowledge of the theoretical and practical tools (analog and digital) needed to observe, understand, measure, design, represent and communicate the characteristics of objects of use and everyday spaces.
The scientific-disciplinary contents of the course concern the methodologies and procedures for the representation of everyday objects – in their intrinsic and extrinsic relationships: form, utility, beauty and technique, daily experience, context, time – and include: the descriptive geometrical foundamentals of modeling, the principles of visualization and digital photography, their theories and their methods, including their historical development.
Educational goals
The course pursues the objective of educating the students to control the shape of an object of use (real or imagined) through the definition of a model (graphic/infographic) according to a process of interpretation that shows the intimate rules of operation.
The main goal is the thematic study and experimentation of the various theoretical operating components of two-dimensional and three-dimensional representation (analogical and digital).
Towards the above aims are addressed the three thematic didactic modules that compose the course of Drawing for Design:
- First part: the Shape (Geometry and Visualization of the object of use)
- Second part: the Memory (Survey and Photography of the object of use)
- Third part: Digital Drawing (2D / 3D)
Didactic methods
The didactic methodology of the course is organized into modules of lectures, exercises and thematic workshops:
- lessons and presentations;
- monographic and seminary lessons;
- individual and group exercises;
- collective revisions;
- deliveries in progress (mandatory).
Each student is required to work with both analog and digital drawing equipment.
It is also necessary to compile both a 'notebook' and a digital book that will testify to the individual didactic (analogue and digital) path.
Examination methods include a graphic test and an oral exam.
In the oral test, candidates will need to show, with the help of simple and clear graphs, the theme developed during the course and answer questions related to the program in the theoretical lessons.
Other informations
It is recommended that you read the weekly notices published and displayed in the analog and digital bulletin boards of the faculty and indicated by the teacher:
Learning verification
The rating given to the Drawing Design Course (8CFU) is the synthesis of the theoretical and practical preparation of the student in the distinct didactic modules that characterize the teaching.
In the final interview, the student must then demonstrate an appropriate degree of knowledge of the theoretical and practical knowledge of the three modules attended. The rigorously individual exam focuses on the discussion of some theoretical themes that characterize the modules:
- ex-tempore exercises performed (individual);
- elaboration of the theme of the year (individual);
- oral test (individual) on subjects of the lesson cycle.
The final Design Design Drawing (8CFU) is also made up of the weighted average of the evaluations acquired by the student in the on-going through mandatory deliveries.
- Casale Andrea. GEOMETRIA CREATIVA. Intuizione e ragione nel disegno dell'oggetto. Roma: Edizioni Kappa, 2015
- Docci Mario, Gaiani Marco, Maestri Diego, SCIENZA DEL DISEGNO. Novara: CittàStudi Edizioni, 2017
- Bistagnino Enrica (ed). 2010. DISEGNO-DESIGN. Introduzione alla cultura della rappresentazione. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2010
- Bistagnino Enrica. IL DISEGNO NELLA SCUOLA DI ULM. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2018